Dog Breeding & Your New Puppies’ Temperament

Your puppies’ temperaments are affected by their genetic predisposition toward certain character traits and their environment. The greatest factor influencing your puppies’ behavior is initially through their dam, her relationship with you and generalized perception of her environment. Her perception and acceptance of outside stimuli such as, for example, strangers who come to view the litter can set an indelible example for her offspring.

Therefore, no female dog should be bred who has an unsound temperament. If the temperament is the oven product of abuse, and the female exhibits exceptional redeemable qualities given an optimum supportive environment, breeding is a possibility. The attitude of the dam will always be reflected at least to some degree in every puppy.

The environment in which a litter is reared, therefore, is of paramount importance to having well socialized and confident puppies. As a result, it behooves anyone who engages in a breeding program, whether for a single litter or a long-term endeavor encompassing multiple years and litters, to breed only those dogs that most closely meet the breed Standard’s physical criteria, as well as those animals exhibiting the ideal temperament.

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