How To Use Frontline Plus For Dogs

Don’t know what to do with dog fleas and ticks? Dog fleas and ticks are the most common problems not just by dogs but among dog owners as well. Fleas and ticks infestations are something that should be given special attention right away. They can put your health and your dog’s life in danger because they deliver worms and diseases. Opportunely, there are ways to manage fleas and ticks effectively. One of the most excellent solutions for ticks and fleas that are highly suggested by veterinarians is Frontline Plus.

Frontline Plus is expedient in treating fleas infestation. If you feel that Frontline is the solution to your problem, here are some things that you will find helpful.

Why Frontline Plus Is Effective?
In just 12 hours you will see results. With this fast acting product, your dog will be free from infestation. Also, it can safeguard your dog from future attacks because this product breaks the life cycle of fleas and ticks. How? This product kills all existing adult fleas in 18 hours before they are able to lay eggs. As for ticks, this product eradicates all ticks in 48 hours counting the time of application. As you apply this product to your dog’s fur, the active ingredient in Frontline Plus known as fipronil is stored in the oil glands. These oil glands are found mostly under the skin of dogs.

Proper Way Of Using Frontline Plus?
If your dog is 8 weeks or older, you can safely make use of this product. Before you use the product, ensure that you understand the instruction that comes with the packaging. The product also includes an applicator. To open, you need to snap the tip of the applicator away. Position the applicator’s tip to your dog’s hair and skin just between the shoulder blades. Gently squeeze and apply all the filling. Choose one area where you wish to apply the product. The product is then disseminated to the other areas of the skin and hair by the hair follicles. Before bathing the dog, wait for about 24 hours or one full day for the product to finally dry. Wait for thirty days before you reapply.

What Are The Side Effects And Adverse Reaction That You Need To Watch Out For?
After using the product to your dogs and puppies, they can experience temporary irritation at the area of application. If the irritation becomes serious or if it persists after a few days of application, drop by your local veterinarian’s office for consultation as soon as possible. Also note for any inflammation and itching to your trusted veterinarian.

Other Point Of Concerns:
This is for external use only. Pets older than eight weeks can use this product. Frontline Plus can be safely used in animals that are breeding, pregnant and nursing. On the other hand for animals that are debilitated and too weak because of age, you need to consult your veterinarian before using Frontline Plus.

Killing fleas is a very difficult task. On the other hand, there are things that you can do to exterminate these horrible pests. You can use home remedies like garlic and vinegar or if you are willing to invest in a good product, use Frontline Plus for dogs. It instantly eliminate fleas and ticks in dogs. The things above are basic considerations that you should know before you use the product. Hope you find these helpful. Good luck.

Manage ticks and fleas now and use Frontline for dogs. Frontline flea and tick is potent in killing all stages of fleas and ticks.

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