Helpful Golden Retriever Grooming Benefits

Routine grooming of your Golden Retriever is a key to a long and enjoyable life together. Once you and your dog get into a routine, the benefits increase because grooming becomes a productive part of life— not an interruption.  It takes some time and desire, but the effort will help cultivate a happy and loving Golden. Some general grooming necessities include regular brushing, nail trimming, and bathing.

Benefits of Regular Brushing

Regular brushing can develop into a great bonding activity for you and your Golden. Most Golden Retrievers like to be brushed, so take your time, be patient, and get him used to the brushing action. Eventually he will enjoy how it feels and appreciate the attention. A puppy might be a little impatient, so keep calm, take your time, and keep it positive.

Pay attention to any irregularities such as lumps, tender areas, or signs of fleas or ticks. Keep track of any changes that occur. Catching symptoms early can minimize later issues.

Make sure to use a proper brush. You want the dog to feel comfortable with the “feel” of the brush and the brush to effectively remove hair. There are different styles of brushes available, but the basic slicker brush is best to remove most of the loose undercoat and dead hair. An effective brush will cut down on shedding and keep your home more dog hair free.

I have been caring for Golden Retrievers for over 20 years. I want every Golden Retriever to be loved and cared for. Want to learn more Golden Retriever Facts? Visit my website at

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