Finding the Right Golden Retriever Breeder

Whether it is the persistence of your children or your individual longing for companionship that prompts you to bring home a golden retriever, the next step would be to find the right breeder.

It is advisable to shortlist more than one possible golden retriever breeder. You may have to sign up on the waiting list, but if you want the best then you need to be patient. There may be times where you may get lucky and find one right away, but that is just what it may be, pure luck. When it comes to golden retriever breeding it is a first-come, first-serve situation.

A quality golden retriever breeder in most cases will have a waiting list, which is obviously the first sign of a reputed breeder. Of course, he doesn’t need to be on the list of breeders that cater to the Whitehouse or Buckingham Palace, but must be fairly well known on the breeding circuit.  Finding one could be challenging, but it is important to get a healthy dog that is going to be a family member for the next 15 years or more.

The first step is to become an educated buyer if you want to find a quality golden retriever. Read as much as you can about the breed, their health issues, and temperament. If you have children, there is a possibility that they have already been convinced by your neighbor’s or friend’s golden. These places could form the basis of your observation and determine whether your home environment is conducive to rearing a golden.

Nelson Williams offers more info at : He and his family live in Vermont. He brought home their first Golden Retriever when his now grown daughters were babies. His family has bred and cared for more Golden Retrievers than they can remember. With years of experience and volumes of research, the Williams offer for free, ‘Secrets of Raising Golden Retrievers’:

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