Probiomaxx, Your Pets Depend On You, Help Them Stay Healthy and Happy

Our 5 year old hound mix Remington (Remy for short) is definitely a crazy man (really a dog but we treat him just like a human naturally). He loves to take long strolls in the woods and will play ball until my arm falls off. Every morning he pops off his bed like a torpedo and just can’t wait to get out back and give the wildlife a run for their money (never catches anything). I get tired merely watching his endless energy.

About 3 months ago it seemed like somebody flipped a switch. Remy began moping about the house. Showed little interest in going for walks. He would go for the walks and he would play ball but it appeared to be forced and like he just couldn’t wait for it to end. Of even more concern was the fact that his stools were loose (diarrhea), and he had a real bad case of bad breath. Something was certainly wrong.

Off to the Vet we went. $90 later and the Vet explained he was struggling with an imbalance in his gastrointestinal system more than likely cause by stress and anxiety. He recommended starting Remy on a probiotic which just so happens he had on the counter outside his office. The next thing that occurred kind of surprised me. The Vet informed me that there are a number of generic brands of probiotics available on the web with the exact same ingredients for a lot less than the $45 one he had for sale. One in particular called Probiomaxx from Pet Fit For Life was very effective for other dogs he had seen with the same disorder as Remy.

When I got home I immediately logged onto my computer and dialed up Amazon. I typed in Pet Fit For Life and the product popped up, $22, less than half the cost of the Vets brand. The probiotic was at my door in 2 days. No surprise with Amazon.

Less than a week after starting Remy on Probiomaxx he is his old self once more. Normal bowl movements and everything. What a relief to have my guy feeling his oats again. Did a little research on probiotics and turns out they are a great addition to a dogs diet for overall health and wellness. Figure it’s the very least I can do for all the enjoyment and love I get from my boy Remy.

Probiomaxx is a premium pet probiotic comprised of 5 billion CFU’s (colony forming units) created to promote total gastrointestinal maintenance and health. Microbes in Probiomaxx renew the microflora in your pet’s digestive tract. This results in the promotion of a variety of health-enhancing functions, including enhanced intestinal function.

Pets come across anxiety just like humans and the gastrointestinal track bears the brunt of these stresses. Aspects like inadequate diet, eating other things than dog food like grass or sticks or simply being left alone for the day contribute to modifications in the fragile balance of good bacteria in the bowels. For these factors and others it is crucial to protect your pet’s immune system, healthy digestion, and total health.

You can help your pet’s gastrointestinal tract by supplementing their diet plan with probiotics that flood their system with advantageous bacteria. You can assist their digestion and vitamins and mineral absorption and boost their overall health with an effective mix of the correct advantageous bacteria strains. The study is recommending that probiotic therapy is effective, safe, and an actual way to promote total gastrointestinal health. And, that’s specifically why traditional vets are finally agreeing that probiotics are advantageous for your pets.

Pet Fit For for Life’s Probiomaxx is packed with 5 billion CFU’s of friendly bacteria. When offered with a meal these bacteria enter into a stomach with a more positive PH and for that reason have the ability to reach the small intestine for maximum results.

Below are some other advantages of providing your pet Probiomaxx

1. Maintains your pet’s perfect “excellent” to “other” bacteria ratio by promoting the optimal environment for the growth of good bacteria

2. Supports your pet’s production of B vitamins, particularly folic acid and biotin, and vitamin K.

3. Promotes mineral absorption.

4. Supports protein and carbohydrate digestion by means of probiotic enzymes.

5. Helps metabolism and the removal of contaminants.

6. Helps your pet maintain proper bowel transit time.

7. Supports your pet’s immune system function by helping them get rid of contaminants.

8. Produces lactic acid for support of intestinal processes and colon pH balance.

9. Supports regular immune response.

10. Helps promote oral health.

Probiomaxx is GMP accredited and is a necessary part of a program to keep your pet healthy and happy

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