Puppies!!!! Picture Overload!

My friend Amy at Big River Labradoodles and her F1B’s Emily and O’Malley had a litter of puppies on the 3rd of February. Two weeks ago my niece and I took a road trip to visit Amy and the puppies.

Momma Emily (a.k.a. The Lunch Truck!)

Did someone say “Lunch!” ???

My niece in puppy heaven…

I am hoping this little girl (she is so sweet I have dubbed ‘Dolce’) will go home to my friend Arika. Arika owned Sonagh’s brother Wrigley. Sweet, darling Wrigley had to be put down at Thanksgiving because they could not get his seizures under control. Her four year old son Max really misses and sometimes sits and talks to Wrigley’s picture! This little boy needs a dog!

No, seriously! I want to sleep in the corner this time!!

Pretty cool how I just blend in with the hippo, huh?

Collective Food Coma…

Cool! The Greta babysitter is here! Party!!

One last look at sweet wee Dolce…

And I can’t resist adding a few pictures that Amy sent me the other day:

Wee Dolce coming in for a kiss!

Orange girl

OY!  What a cutie oie!!

Take Me Home Eyes!

Don’t you just want to kiss this little chocolate nose??

Dude!  Go long!!

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