Why Dog Training is So Important

dog training helps dogs to fit into their family home in a much better way. Dogs feel much more comfortable with a stable structure to their family life. Because they are descended from wolves, dogs have the same pack mentality as their ancient wolf cousins. They look up to a leader to guide them. Believe it or not, most people also live their family lives under such conditions. This is why dogs and humans are so well suited to live and get on together.

All types of dogs are suitable for dog training. Different breeds are more suited to different types of training. And different breeds fit in well in different types of households. Most people would not like to have a fierce Rottweiler around, but some people do. Some prefer poodles or Pomeranians. Different breeds of dogs are better able to become guide dogs and hearing dogs. While other dogs make good guard dogs. But almost any type of dog can be trained to fit into a loving family home.

Dogs can be amazingly helpful in our working lives as well as our family homes. Already mentioned are the wonderful guide dogs for the blind, but now we even help dogs who help hearing-impaired people. They can hear a door bell, or a telephone ring, or more importantly, a smoke alarm and they can alert their owners to the sounds. Dogs have been known to be able to reach people after an avalanche and bring much needed supplies.

It is usually more useful to choose younger puppies if they are to do one of the more specialized jobs. Usually, younger dogs are more eager to learn because they see it as more fun. They can get used to a new owner better and pick up their training more quickly. With an older dog who is much more set in its ways, you could probably train it new tricks, but it would take much longer with many more repetitions.

It sounds easy doesn’t it? Training a dog takes a lot of hard work. A firm voice should always be used so that the dog knows exactly what you want it to do. When it does something right you can reward it A reward can be a doggy biscuit, or a play with his favorite toy. Another good way to reward a dog is to pat him on his head and say ‘Good Dog’ in a really happy voice. They are surprisingly receptive to your tone!

When your dog does not do the right thing, however, you must not punish him. Your dog will not understand why he is being punished and will only become confused. The best method of training is to use positive reinforcement – that is to reward the good behavior and ignore the bad.

Who knows what a dog could be trained to do. Some dogs can fetch sticks, sit up and beg, roll over. I knew a dog who’s owner would put a coin in its mouth and send it to get the evening paper. Now that’s what I call useful!

Visit http://www.greatdogsforpets.com for more on dog training, dog grooming and basic dog care.

Article Source: Why dog training is So Important – ArticleSpan.com

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