There are 2 effective methods for getting any form of liquid medication down your dogs throat, Make a pouch or pry the mouth open.
1. Making a pouch: Using one hand, pull out the corner of the dogs lower lip to make a little pouch. Keep his head slightly tilted back and pour the liquid into the mouth using your other hand.
In some instances, the medication does not go in right away. This occurs when the dogs teeth are clenched too tightly. When this happens, gently pry his mouth open using your fingers. If the dog tries to move away, position his rear end in a corner so he will not be able to back away from you. You can also get another person to help you hold the dog during the process.
Another way of doing this method is to sit on the floor or a bed with the dog between your legs. Position his rear end toward you with his head facing away. This way, you can keep him positioned more easily. As soon as you have the liquid medicine in, induce swallowing by carefully and gently holding the dogs mouth almost closed and lightly massage his throat. You can tell that he has swallowed the medication when his tongue emerges briefly from between the front teeth. You can also make him swallow the liquid by briefly and gently putting your thumb over his nostrils.
2. Prying the mouth open: Gently grasp the dogs upper jaw using one hand and insert your thumb and fingers in the gaps just behind the fangs. For a tiny dog, just one finger is necessary along with the thumb. Most dogs will then relax their mouths a little so that you can easily pour the liquid with a dropper or a spoon between his front teeth. Make sure that his head is tilted back so that the liquid does not run down his throat.
How to administer capsules and pills
When giving a dog solid medication such as capsules or vitamin pills, open his mouth by grasping around his upper jaw, just like what you would do for liquid medications. Hold the capsule or pill either between your thumb and the first finger or between the first and second fingers. Use the remaining fingers to press down the lower front teeth to pry the jaw open.
Once you have managed to open his mouth, put the medication into the throat and push it as far back as you can. Induce swallowing the same as you would when giving liquid medication. This method may seem awkward and difficult at first. But after a few tries, you will get more experienced and find it much easier and effortless.
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