Prevention Of Heat Stress In Senior Dogs During Summer Months

Heat Stress and Senior Dogs

There is no excuse for heat stress ever occurring in senior dogs. No one questions your love for your dog, or he wouldn’t have survived this long. Just a little logical forethought during hot weather is all that is needed. Don’t take him shopping with you if your stores do not allow dogs on the premises.

Then you won’t have to tie him outside. If you are going for a drive, be sure he will be welcome at every place you intend to stop. If his outdoor exercise area is small, take him indoors before you leave the house for any length of time.

Those breeds more prone to heat stress (pug, boxer, English bulldog, Boston terrier, etc.) should have even normal outdoor activity severely curtailed during periods of hot sun and high temperatures.

In extremely hot parts of the country they may require air-conditioning. Certainly, free access to frequently changed cool water is a must.

As far as I am concerned, any dog, especially senior dogs, who suffers heat stress, and survives, ought to pack up and look for a new owner!

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